Andrew Conklin


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Painting Tutor Andrew Conklin

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MEDIUMS: Acrylic Paint | Oil Paint | Watercolor | Graphite
SPECIALTY: ✔ Color ✔ Composition ✔ Technique Demos 

My favorite subject is the human figure.

Among my aims are to continue the traditions of representation in painting, which includes narrative content. A contemporary figure painting can reconnect its audience with the wisdom and delight of ancient myths and ideas, and challenge the viewer to consider human nature as both progressive and unchanging. The human body continues to play a vital role in my work, as it allows me both a meet a technical demand and to explore its spiritual, moral and political condition in contemporary culture.

I paint from observation with the desire to command my subject to remain on the canvas long after the subject has departed.

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Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.

Specialty: ✔ Color ✔ Composition ✔ Technique Demos



Colour and Composition


Technique Demos


Providing Art Critiques


Figure Drawing 


Historical Approaches and Concepts





Graphic Design – Business Cards, Invitations, Brochures, etc.

“Mastrius has done wonders for my confidence. I have managed to step way outside of my comfort zone which has in turn given rise to so many more opportunities to further my art career.”
~ Deb, Emerging Artist


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art tutorial painting of people carrying fruit

Andrew S. Conklin, a native of Chicago, Illinois, is a visual artist, painter and draftsman. He studied painting and design at Chicago’s American Academy of Art and painting and printmaking at the National Academy of Design School in New York City. Conklin received additional instruction from portraitist Aaron Shikler and painter and illustrator David Levine. He holds an MFA from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA.

Conklin’s figurative paintings have been exhibited throughout the USA and have won him a number of major awards. He has shown work at the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters in NYC, The Terra Museum of American Art, Fairfield University, and the National Academy of Design, where he received a Julius Hallgarten Prize.

A three-time recipient of the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, Conklin has also won a John F. and Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship, as well as grants from both the E.D. and George Sugarman Foundations.

His portrait subjects include two United States District Court judges, W. Arthur Garrity, Jr. and A. David Mazzone. Other notable subjects include Dr. Theodore Ziolkowski, Dean of the Graduate School, Princeton University, and the Honorable Bruce Sundlun, Governor of Rhode Island.

Conklin has taught courses in visual art and design at a number of schools including the New York Academy of Art and Parsons School of Design, the School of the Art Institute, Harrington College of Design, and Columbia College Hollywood. The artist has authored articles on painting and drawing in national publications, including Artist’s Magazine and American Artist, as well as New American Paintings, No. 29 and 83.

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✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

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