Susan Blackwood


Unlock Your Artistic Potential

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Michaela Hoppe

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MEDIUMS: Oil | Watercolor | Graphite | Pen & Ink | Sculptor
SPECIALTY: ✔ Generalist

Flash back to the early years of my career in 1975, in the midst of a clambering market place in Pakistan, unable to speak the language…. I became aware of the importance of the common bonds that universally unite us all. The necessity to communicate my visions, feelings and emotions became paramount. Art became my universal language.

I have chosen as my subject matter the simple, beautiful, touching moments that are common both in nature and in the life of every person. These are the moments that often pass without notice and are the very ones that lend continuity to our lives and contribute to its richness and depth. These moments are the language I use when I paint.


As in any meaningful conversation, the structure of the message must be clear. Thus, my color, brush strokes, textures and composition are carefully chosen, like essential words, to convey to the viewer the message that I wish to impart. My studies of classical art techniques began when I was a child and will always continue as I strive for better clarity and higher achievement.

As words are carefully chosen for a poem, I, too, limit my brush strokes and detail to convey just enough to give the viewer my thoughts and involve their imagination. I purposely leave areas of my paintings in mystery for the viewer to become engaged in the story. I strive for each painting to be poem rather than a novel. Some of my loose paintings are like haiku poems that are simple impressionistic vignettes. While some of my paintings are like sonnets, more spelled out in detail. Through the medium that I have chosen, I strive continually to develop a rich and colorful language that can reach the heart.

Teaching these techniques is my second passion. I am blessed to be invited to pour out these concepts I have learned for more than 50 years… to eager painters, young and old throughout the world.

Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe


Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.

Specialty: ✔ Generalist



Color and Composition


Technique Demos


Providing Art Critiques


Teaching How to Self Critique


Studio setup for art production


Supplies and tools – what to use, where to save, and where to spend



Artist Statement & CV


Shows & Exhibits





Pricing Artwork


Approaching Galleries


Selling Online


Running Your Art Business the Day to Day


Products, Prints, and Reproductions


Studio Time Management


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Artwork by Michaela Hoppe

Susan Blackwood has a passion for teaching artists.

Her combination of enthusiasm, encouragement and knowledge is the hallmark of her teaching. She has been a professional artist and instructor since the early ‘70s. She has taught Workshops all over the USA and Europe and has produced numerous Online, VCR and Disc teaching videos. For her first professional 32 years, she was an award winning watercolorist. In 2003, she added another medium... she ventured forth into the thick and gooey medium of oils and loves that, too. Her watercolors and oils have been and continue to be accepted into many national shows and museums, winning top awards. (for example... Best of Show at the American Women Artists National Exhibition.)

Blackwood has achieved Signature Status with many Watercolor and Oil Organizations. Publishers have featured her work on covers and in articles for national magazines, and she has been a guest speaker for several National Painting conventions and she Juries and Judges National Shows.

To see more of her paintings and for a more complete biography, go to After 50 years of living in the Rocky Mountains, she now lives in beautiful Bella Vista, Arkansas surrounded by waterfalls, rushing streams, cliffs, lakes and lots of birds and wildlife….with her husband, artist Howard Friedland… two adorable Shih Tzu dogs and a wonderful loving cat.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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