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Gouache On the Go

with Manon Sander, Master Artist & Mentor

Discover the Versatility of Gouache: Learn, Create, and Travel with this Unique Water-Based Medium!

Audience: Fine Art Painters
For Stage(s):
Beginner, Aspiring, Emerging, Accomplished/Professional, Master
Medium: Gouache

Not sure what stage you are? Visit our How It Works page for details.

Starts on Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Sept 18 | Sept 25 | Oct 2
3 sessions, 2 hrs each
1:00pm – 3:00pm MT


Note: Price in $USD

Out of stock

Recordings available for 1-month after course ends.

High School, University, and College students get 20% OFF.
See FAQs at the bottom of page.

Course Description

Course Description:

Unleash your creativity with an engaging workshop led by Manon Sander.

This workshop delves into the essential aspects of gouache, from materials to techniques, emphasizing its suitability for frameable small paintings, travel sketchbooks, and conceptualizing larger works.

Manon will guide you through demonstrations on how to handle gouache and share valuable insights on creating charming little paintings in simple, step-by-step processes.

Paint along from the comfort of your own studio, while receiving personalized feedback on your progress! With an emphasis on practical application and skill development, this course is the perfect opportunity to expand your artistic repertoire.


This course will help you:

  • Master gouache’s unique properties and techniques for effective painting.
  • Understand the materials and tools required for painting with gouache.
  • Complete a series of small paintings.
  • Learn the art of the travel sketchbook, using gouache on the go to master faster, stronger results.


Supply List


Holbein Artist Gouache

  • Lemon yellow
  • Cadmium Yellow
  • Flame Red
  • Primary Magenta
  • Ultramarine
  • Primary Cyan
  • Primary White
  • (If you have another brand that’s perfectly fine, but I suggest not getting acrylic gouache…..)
  • Winsor & Newton watercolor blending medium Transon Paint Saver Storage Palette Box 16 well portable airtight (Amazon, $11.99) small Gray Matters Palette paper pad
  • Variety of softer brushes (watercolor brushes work well), some flats, some rounds
  • Watercolor paper, preferably smooth texture (usually hot pressed), watercolor cards, or watercolor books. Small gesso boards (Ampersand makes great ones, or you can get Masonite and gesso it yourself.), sizes like 5×7”, 6×8”, 6×6” etc. are great for gouache.
  • Water receptacle to wash your brushes
  • Cloth or paper towels
  • Tooth picks
  • Painters’ tape
  • Pencil and small notebook
  • Reference photos to work from
Instructor Bio

Manon Sander is a Florida-based oil painter who has taken it upon herself to savor all the flavors of life. Starting a new painting is like hearing the soft, welcoming jingle of the ice cream truck on a sweltering deep-summer day. The air is heavy with the anticipation of a sweet reward, and as the color melts from Manon’s brush onto that hungry canvas, she tastes the simple, joyous flavor of childhood, when life was lived not just to the fullest, but bursting at the seams.

Like a kid waiting for the ice cream truck to come jostling up the road, Manon never stands still for long on that hot, sun-soaked street, instead dancing from one painting to the next.

Like her love for ice cream, her love for art started at a young age in her old stomping grounds of Bavaria and Berlin, Germany, and she has spent her life thus far traveling far and wide, letting the winds of chance carry her to live in Illinois, where she painted murals professionally, to California, where under the tutelage of some of the nation’s premier artists she found her contemporary impressionist style, and on to Florida, where she truly dove headfirst into her deep love for plein air painting. On top of that triple scoop of living locations, she’s had a generous helping of creatively inspiring rainbow sprinkle travels that range from the wild Alaskan tundra and the scarlet vortex-soaked rocks of Sedona to the crumbling haunts of emerald Ireland and the sea-smattered cliffs of the Amalfi coast. But with local treasures like Naples, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, and Apalachicola so close at hand, Manon is more than happy to call Florida her home.

No matter where she goes, Manon finds beauty in the light and the shifting, shimmering spectrum of colors it holds between its glowing fingers. However, Manon does not simply paint because the colors she sees are beautiful, but rather because the colors she feels are. A strong believer in finding joy in the little things in life, she seeks to capture and share the moments that give her the most happiness and evoke the rawest of uplifting emotions human nature has to offer. Manifesting these twinkles of delight through vivid oils has brought Manon to numerous awards, national juried exhibitions, galleries, invitational and juried festivals, and inclusion in publications such as Southwest Art and Plein Air Magazine. She was awarded Signature Status in the National Oil & Acrylic Painters’ Society as well as the American Society of Marine Artists. Manon teaches both weekly plein-air painting classes, as well as national and international painting workshops. Manon won 1st place in the St. George Island Paint Out and 3rd place in the Sedona Plein Air Festival in 2021. Manon is a regular on the faculty of one of the premier plein air conventions, Plein Air South, and gets regularly invited to prestigious plein air events like the Winter Park Paint Out, The Lighthouse ArtCenter Plein Air Festival, the Forgotten Coast En Plein Air Paint Out amongst many others.

Manon sees painting as being as natural and necessary as breathing, and as crucial, of course, as trying as many flavors of ice cream as possible in one very long and incredible summer.

abstract painting from an art class
abstract Painting on a wall
framed painting by Shannon Amey


How many registrations are required for a course to start?

A minimum of 8 registrations are required.  If 8 registrations are not received by the time the course is 24 hours from starting, the course will be cancelled and all registrants will receive complete refunds.

What is the maximum number of people in a course?

This varies for each course.  The maximum number of registrations is decided by the instructor.

Can I get a refund?

Up until 72 hours before a course’s first session you can receive a complete refund. You can cancel your registration via the My Account portal, or by contacting [email protected].

After this time no refunds will be given (if you have extenuating circumstances you believe justify a refund, contact us at [email protected]).

Can I register for a course already in progress?

No. Once a course has started, no new registrations are accepted.

Where will my course be held?

All courses meet online over Zoom. You will need a device equipped with a camera and a microphone to fully participate. 

If you have not used Zoom before, learn about how to use it here.

If you don’t regularly use Zoom, we recommend you join your first session 10-15 minutes early in case your computer needs to install or update Zoom.

How do I join my course?

You will receive a welcome email from [email protected] when you register.  This email includes the Zoom link to join your course session.  You will also receive 24 hour and 2 hour reminder emails before each session, and each of these emails includes the Zoom link.  You can also access the Zoom link to join your course in your MastriusChat group.

Are the sessions recorded?

Yes, every session is recorded and are typically available 24 hours after a session ends.  All session recordings will remain available for the duration of the course, and for one month following the last session.  The recordings are viewable within the MastriusChat platform, and cannot be downloaded.

What if I miss a session?

You’ll be able to watch the session’s recording.  If you have questions the recording doesn’t address, you can ask them in the chat feed of your course’s private MastriusChat group.

What is MastriusChat?

MastriusChat is an online discussion platform.  You and your fellow course registrants will be assigned to a private MastriusChat group where you can connect and support eachother via the chat “feed”. Your group is also where you’ll access the session recordings. Other resources in your MastriusChat group include a link to join your course sessions, and a library your instructor can use to share resources.

What is a Navigator?

A Navigator is an artist who joins your course to ensure both instructor and registrants have an enjoyable experience. They support (as required) with technology, timekeeping, moderating questions, and between-session discussions on MastriusChat. The Navigator has also joined the course as participant, and just like you, they’re wanting to grow their skills and learn the material.

I’m not ready to register because I still have questions. Who do I contact?

We’d be happy to help! 

Reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to support you.


High School, University, and College students get 20% off ANY course (non-member price).

To claim this discount email [email protected] to enroll in the Student Program.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

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