Ruth Andre


Unlock Your Artistic Potential

Mentorship is the fastest way to go from where you are today, to where you want to be!
Learn How Mentorship Works or join this mentors group below.
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Mentoring Aspiring Artists
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MEDIUMS: Acrylic
SPECIALTY: โœ” Artistic Process & Mindset โœ” Composition

Whether you are a seasoned artist or a beginner, I welcome you to join me in exploring the captivating world of acrylic abstract painting. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-expression, experimentation, and discovery. Through guided instruction and hands-on practice, you will develop the skills and confidence to paint freely.

My workshop offers access to feedback and assistance, allowing you to overcome challenges and learn more efficiently. I love the A-HA moment when students realize they can do it and make art they are proud to display.

I invite you to join my group focused on acrylic abstract painting, where we will delve into the fundamentals of composition and value, and explore the boundless realms of creativity.

Ron Rosenstock olive tree
Ron Rosenstock photo
Ron Rosenstock sunset photo
Mentorship with David Boyd, Jr.
Ron Rosenstock photography master
mentor Ron Rosenstock


Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.

Specialty: โœ” Artistic Process & Mindset โœ” Composition



Color & Composition


Teaching How to Self Critique


Technique Demos


Providing Art Critiques



Social Media


Marketing & Branding


Shows & Exhibits



Approaching Galleries


Studio Time Management


Selling Online

“Mastrius is a perfect balance of accountability, community and fun.
It feels like family. Family that makes you a better you.”

~ Elizabeth, Emerging Artist


select your mentorship group

If the group you’re interested in has a waitlist, you have the option to join another group to get started. When your group opens we can transfer you over.


Photo mentor Ron Rosenstock

Embarking on the journey of self-discovery as an artist has been a profound odyssey for me. For years, I concealed the artist within, tethered by the conventions instilled during my upbringing. The notion that talents should serve practical family needs restrained my creative spirit. Initially immersed in utilitarian crafts I crafted quilts and sculpted with natural fibers each giving recognition to my past work.

Yet, a longing for genuine artistic expression persisted. The challenge lay in relinquishing the security of traditional teachings. Weaving pine needles into vessels, found a bridge between heritage and a yearning for change. The turning point came in a college design class-a gateway to newfound freedom. Life drawing, printmaking and sculpture unfolded before me, broadening my artistic horizon.

Theย pivotal moment arrived at the Los Angeles County Museum, where I stood captivated by a Mark Rothkoย exhibit. Enormous canvases adorned with bold,ย serene palettes beckoned meย into the realm or Art. Itย prompted introspection-did I possess theย essence to tread thisย path? Could I uncover the unique artistic voice andย navigate theย labyrinth ofย self-expression?

The evolutionย unfoldedย gradually. Pastย experiences and teachings became the foundation for myย current artistic endeavors.ย Each stroke on canvas echoes the amalgamation of history and new found desires. The artistic voyage is dynamic, ever changing, mirroring the kaleidoscope of myย thoughts and aspirations. Withย everyย brushstroke. I am not merely creating art; I am finding myย way, shaping my narrative in the vast, boundless canvas of the art world.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

โœ” Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, andย how to quickly move forward

โœ” What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

โœ” Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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