How to Build a SUSTAINABLE Art Career

without selling out or burning out

By Julie deBoer

Photo: Cameron Schmitz, Master Artist Mentor

“True success as an artist isn’t about galleries or sales—it’s about finding joy, balance, and authenticity in your creative journey. Define success on your terms, and let your art reflect your heart.”

From the outside, we often think success as an artist is having our work in galleries and selling to distinguished collectors. I used to believe that, but I was wrong.

How do you define success? I was 12 years into what looked like a “successful” art career when I learned that true success can look very different, and I realized I had never considered what success meant for me.

I had blindly followed in the footsteps of other artists and that was one of the biggest mistakes I made in my career.

I ended up pigeonholed, stuck, and miserable, painting what gallery owners and collectors wanted, not what was in my heart to create.

The good news is this… you define what success means for you.

If Success Doesn’t Include JOY & FULFILLMENT, Is It Really Success?

Lesson 1:
Success Is More Than Sales

It’s tempting to focus on what sells, but if you’re not honoring the desire of your heart, the excitement of selling will wear off and the joy in creating will fade.

I have learned much from our mentors, including Samantha Williams-Chapelsky who has built a successful AND sustainable career by holding to the practice: that success is more than sales; it’s about finding your joy and living and creating in alignment with the deep passion that compels you to create.

Without that alignment, we can easily become distracted, discouraged, and pulled off the creative path we’re meant to be on.

When you stay in alignment with yourself, you’ll naturally create work that resonates with others. Your heart, emotion, and story will be conveyed clearly in your work and it will stand apart from the rest. Lesson 2: Find Balance or R

Lesson 2:
Find Balance or Risk Losing Your Footing

Burnout is real and avoiding it means finding a balance between your art, your life, and your well-being. Mastrius Mentor Cameron Schmitz recently shared in one of our weekly live events how she let go of the pressure to make art her full-time career.

“Being a successful artist doesn’t mean being a full-time artist.”
Master Artist & Mentor Cameron Schmitz

Letting go of that pressure gave her freedom to create work that truly inspires her. I’ve done the same and the freedom I’ve experienced has launched me in a new direction that makes my heart sing! Here’s a piece that has come out of that new found freedom…

Rejoice’ 12 x 12 by Julie deBoer

Another tip? Say ‘no’ to what doesn’t serve you. Not every opportunity will align with your goals, and overcommitting will drain your energy. Focus on projects that excite you and move you forward. If your response to a commission, gallery, art show, mural project, etc isn’t “Heck ya!”, then it should be “Heck no!”

Lesson 3:
Your Journey is Yours, Don’t Follow The Crowd

Success isn’t about hitting someone else’s milestones. When you set artistic goals for yourself, ensure you’re looking inward, not outward at the goals and successes of other artists.

Build into your practice the time to nurture your creativity, and build your career around that. Stay patient and remember: the most important opportunity you have as an artist is to create from a place of authenticity and that’s where you’ll find joy and success.

Life as an artist is a JOURNEY not a mountain climb. There is no “arriving” at the top. Some artists run along the path, some walk, some meander and take regular breaks to enjoy the view. Decide what you want your journey to LOOK LIKE and FEEL LIKE. And always remind yourself that being an artist is about growth, the people you meet along the way, and it’s meant to be fulfilling.

Lesson 4:
Low to No Sales?
Time For A Quality Check

If you’re an artist who’s creating authentically, you’ve achieved a healthy work-life balance, and you’re successfully avoiding the distraction of trends and the successes of other artists but you’re still struggling to sell consistently, then it may be time to inject quality control measures into your practice.

Creating QUALITY ART is a science not a talent. But it’s a science that anyone can learn. The truth is talent will only get you so far. If you’re serious about selling consistently you need to be passionate about creating the very best quality art you can.

Generations or masters before us have studied, honed, and perfected the science of compelling and beautiful art and have condensed the science down to a few key principles and elements of design.

From line, direction, value, and color, to dominance, contrast, harmony, and balance, among others… the opportunities to improve the quality of our work are endless. But let that be an ENCOURAGEMENT to you!

It may sound like a lot but it’s actually quite fascinating once you sink your teeth in. When you realize how much control you have over the quality of your work it’s empowering! All you have to do is commit to learning it, practicing it, and getting feedback along the way.

Remember, there’s no arriving.

Your development and growth are never meant to stop, so enjoy the process. Find your friends, supporters, and cheerleaders as you go. Link arms with them, and have the time of your life! Because you’re not meant to journey alone and this journey is meant to be life-giving.

With you on the long, beautiful road…

Julie deBoer
Artist & Founder

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