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Anita Skubleny


Mentored By: Connie Geerts, Lynette Melnyk, Valerie Allen, Rebecca de Mendonca, Sally Walsh, Whitney Hall

Anita Skubleny is an artist living in Sherwood Park, Alberta; she is proud to be Metis. She has now been working full time out of her studio for the past four years, mostly on pet portraits and wildlife in pastels, but now moving into acrylic and oil paintings. Anita’s signature style is a capturing the emotions, atmosphere, and heart of the animals she paints, especially the eyes. There is love beauty and kindness in the world, and she tries to capture this with every painting.

Notes: Lyrics in the Glory Road Painting from Glory Road by Neil Diamond

The Secret

10" x 10"
Depth: 1.5


Skybound Symphony

10" x 10"
Depth: 1.5


Crimson Nocturne

10" x 10"
Depth: 1.5

Shipping Notice: The artists are responsible for shipping all sold artwork to the appropriate buyer(s) after the show closes. All artwork complaints, losses, damages, and refunds are to be dealt with between the artist and customer. Mastrius is not liable for any losses or damages of artwork.

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