Connie Geerts
Mentored By: n/a
Connie Geerts was born in 1965, the youngest of six children, raised on a farm in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. It was a fairly idyllic childhood filled with lots of unsupervised exploring and evenings spent with her siblings drawing at the kitchen table. Geerts started her professional art career with a move to the West coast in 1987. After exploring many materials she fell in love with acrylic painting and has been working in the medium ever since. During this time, she also worked as a video editor, and dabbled in sculpture, joining the Vancouver Island Sculptors Guild. Geerts started showing her work in galleries in 1997, and has been consistently represented by a number of galleries since that time. In 2000, Geerts moved to Calgary, Alberta and was able to devote more time to creating art. The influence of her editing career showed up in her painting around this time, with her style taking on the look of broken up digital imagery. While continuing to paint, she studied bronze casting in Mexico but fell in love again when she discovered glass kiln casting in 2005. She found the same fluid translucency of colour that she enjoyed with acrylic paint was possible in a three dimensional medium. Since that time Geerts has developed a passion for combining cast glass, or resin with contrasting materials in mixed media sculptures. Geerts continues to work in her first passion, acrylic painting, but now devotes equal time to discovering the possibilities in sculpture. Geerts works out of her studios at her home in Calgary, AB, Canada.
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