Lisa Bramhill
Mentored By: Ardith Goodwin Kevin Beilfuss Ned Mueller Chantel Barber Cameron Schmitz
Lisa Bramhill is an emerging artist who currently resides in the state of Massachusetts. She is on an adventure, learning, creating, and exploring. Creating bright and colorful oil paintings and acrylic paintings that make her happy. Her goal is to connect with her viewers and make them smile.
Notes: I am inspired by nature and animals. These paintings for Flourish made me think of springtime. I find there is nothing like being in nature to wonder, ponder, and reflect. The painting continues on the sides of the painting.
Shipping Notice: The artists are responsible for shipping all sold artwork to the appropriate buyer(s) after the show closes. All artwork complaints, losses, damages, and refunds are to be dealt with between the artist and customer. Mastrius is not liable for any losses or damages of artwork.