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Terri Connelly


Mentored By: Cameron Schmitz, Chantel Barber, Ardith Goodwin, Anita McComas, Heather Pant, David Langevin

Hello! I am Terri Connelly, Canadian Interpretive Visual Artist. I work primarily in acrylic introducing collage and watercolour using a colourful palette and bold brush strokes for movement, excitement and emotion. Painting with a purpose that tells a story that is not just mine. A story that my viewers and collectors are able to see and add their story that deepens the conversation connecting life and nature. I am a full-time artist now. Encouraged to pursue my artistic talent at a young age, however; the practical side of me wanted to ensure that I was able to support myself. I chose the corporate world that I do not regret. It really helped me in business acumen, communication and leadership. Most importantly connecting with people. I embrace the human condition and connections to animals and nature. Staying curious and humble to grow using my canvas as my space to reflect on all that is beautiful in our world. Living in the beautiful surroundings of North Vancouver, BC Canada is a blessing. Everyday I am in the forest or I am on the waterfront…connecting with nature or people. My wish is that you find a spark to stay connected with me as we continue to tell stories through my paintings.

Notes: Celtic Tree Series and Respect our Neighboors-Black Bear Series showing at Keith Jack Studio and Gallery, North Vancouver, BC. You are Here Calendar-Month of March 2024 Spirit of Seylynn Park Anonymous Art Show-Cityscape Community Art Space, North Vancouver, BC. Whistler Annoymous Art Show-Maury Young Arts Centre, Whistler, BC

Flirting With Ferns

10" x 10"
Acrylic on canvas
Depth: 1.5

Gus Found The Oyster Bar

10" x 10"
acrylic on canvas
Depth: 1.5

Gus Is Stumped

10" x 10"
acrylic on canvas
Depth: 1.5

Infactuation With Amanita

10" x 10"
acrylic on canvas
Depth: 1.5

Gus And The Alien

10" x 10"
acrylic on canvas
Depth: 1.5

Don T Forget About Me

10" x 10"
Acrylic on canvas
Depth: 1.5

Shipping Notice: The artists are responsible for shipping all sold artwork to the appropriate buyer(s) after the show closes. All artwork complaints, losses, damages, and refunds are to be dealt with between the artist and customer. Mastrius is not liable for any losses or damages of artwork.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

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