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Trina Wolfenden


Mentored By: Holly McWilliams

Hi, my name is Trina Wolfenden and I’m a small town girl from the mountain community of Golden bc.

I’ve always loved art, photography and nature and when I started painting i was able to put all of these elements into one creative process.

I work in acrylic as I am a very high energy person and when the mood and desire to paint hit me, I want to just go let the ideas flow from my paint brush.

I love bright colors, bold lines and fun. My excitement and joy for life spills into my art and I hope people who see my paintings feel inspired to look for their own version of beauty and happy in nature.

Cosway Peace

10" x 10"
Depth: 1.5 inch

Meandering Moraine

10" x 10"
Depth: 1.5

Gorman Glory

10" x 10"
Depth: 1.5

The Road Home

10" x 10"
Depth: 1.5

Lake Louise Enchantment

10" x 10"
Depth: 1.5

Shipping Notice: The artists are responsible for shipping all sold artwork to the appropriate buyer(s) after the show closes. All artwork complaints, losses, damages, and refunds are to be dealt with between the artist and customer. Mastrius is not liable for any losses or damages of artwork.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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