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Prices in $USD

Annae Jones


Mentored By: Doug Swinton, Cameron Schmitz, Leisa Rich, Cindy Revell, Previously - Bobbi Dunlop, Heather Pant, Gwen Fox, Sue Rigor, Ned Mueller, David Langevin, Susan Harrison-Tustain, Cam Forrester, Veronica Funk, Pamela Beer, Julie Gilbert Pollard, Sandra Duran Wilson,

Annae Jones is a mixed media artist from Western Canada. She was born missing both arms and uses her feet like hands including painting! Her colourful textured work is joyful and captures the essence of play and discovery while telling a story. Annae is inspired by her travels and the emotions felt while enjoying time with family. All paintings are courtesy of the International Association of Mouth and Foot Painters, whom Annae is a member with their Canadian Branch.

Nanook's Bedtime Story

10" x 10"
Acrylic/Mixed Media
Depth: 1.5

Whiskey On The Run

10" x 10"
Acrylic/Mixed Media
Depth: 1.5

Yona Emerges

10" x 10"
Acrylic/Mixed Media
Depth: 1.5

Shipping Notice: The artists are responsible for shipping all sold artwork to the appropriate buyer(s) after the show closes. All artwork complaints, losses, damages, and refunds are to be dealt with between the artist and customer. Mastrius is not liable for any losses or damages of artwork.

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✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

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