Brittney Tough
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![Brittney Tough profile picture Watercolor painting instructor Brittney Tough](
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MEDIUM: Watercolor Paint
SPECIALTY: ✔ Generalist
After many years of remaining unnoticed, a patchwork quilt made by my great grandmother inspired my fascination with our connection to textiles and old objects. Whether it’s in a local fabric store or a village overseas, I enjoy discovering mundane items “as is” in daily life, like they are composed in a pre existing still life. Like the colourful patterns of a heirloom quilt or a pile of sun drenched pillows casting shadows. Each journey entices me to snap photos and when back in the studio I crop, compose, plan and ponder. I exaggerate these fleeting moments of light and colour through unexpectedly vibrant and photorealistic watercolours.
My current work takes this initial inspiration and combines photorealism with abstraction to explore three dimensions. Without more context of the fabrics to provide a narrative, we’re forced to consider other elements in the painting, like colour, pattern, shape, light and shadow, which pushes realistic painting into abstraction.
The watercolour paper has been cut out around the contour of the painted fabric and floated on a white mat within the frame. Some are even collaged watercolour paintings. This unveils real three dimensional shadows and poses a question of whether or not the shadows are real or a painted illusion.
Each painting is a deeper exploration into why I’m drawn to paint textiles. while pushing the boundaries of watercolour painting. As a watercolour artist, I hope to create contemporary work that challenges the stagnant hierarchy of painting mediums and modernize perceptions of watercolour painting. All while enhancing the reputation, value and representation for watercolour painting in the community.
Brittney’s EXPERTISE
Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.
Specialty: ✔ Generalist
Colour and Composition
Studio Setup for Art Production
Technique Demos
Supplies and Tools – what to use, where to save, and where to spend
Providing Art Critiques
Teaching How to Self Critique
Shows and Exhibits
Marketing & Branding
Social Media
Website Design
Selling Online
Running your art business the day-to-day
Studio Time Management
Mindset / Attitude
“Mastrius has done wonders for my confidence. I have managed to step way outside of my comfort zone which has in turn given rise to so many more opportunities to further my art career.”
~ Deb, Emerging Artist
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![Brittney tough watercolor painting Brittney tough painting with watercolors during an online class](
I am an elected member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour and my work has been represented internationally. There are a range of accolades which include several local, national and international exhibitions, awards and publications. I received a Fine Arts Degree in Painting from Alberta University of the Arts in 2007. I’ve been teaching art since and now specialize in teaching watercolour. I hope to expand my practice internationally and have many travel experiences because of it!
“I dream of my work creating an experience for people that leads to the feeling of purpose, connection and happiness. “