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SEPT 18 - Live Demo with Mastrius Master Artist Isabelle Gaborit

Live Demo: Get Started with Encaustic Painting

Wednesday, September 18th

12–2pm MDT
2–4pm EDT
7pm–9pm BST
4am–6am AEST (Thursday)

Mentors: Isabelle Gaborit


Free For Mastrius Members.

DEMO! Get Started with Encaustic Painting

From Set-Up, to Supplies, to Mixing & Applying the Medium

Have you always wanted to try the ancient art of painting with HOT WAX? Now’s your chance to learn everything you need to get started with Encaustics!

Join Mastrius Mentor Isabelle Gaborit as she gives a detailed LIVE DEMO in setting up and painting with encaustics. Isabelle will provide a background of what encaustic painting is, a step-by-step process, how to set- up your workstation, and how to heat, mix, and apply the paint and wax to your substrate. 

Encaustic painting is extremely versatile, letting you explore your unique creative techniques and styles. It can produce various results, from a smooth finish to a textural surface, so the possibilities are endless for your creativity.  

You will learn:

  • An INTRODUCTION to encaustics and the encaustic painting process.
  • What encaustic medium is made from and if you should MAKE YOUR OWN or BUY IT already made.
  • HEAT SOURCES to use to keep the encaustic melted and how to FUSE LAYERS.
  • What SUPPLIES & TOOLS you need to get started and how to care for them.
  • How to APPLY the medium, MIX colors, and FUSE the layers.
  • And so much more! 

Bring your questions and join us for a STEP-BY-STEP DEMO that will help get you started with using encaustic paint!

As always, Mastrius events are LIVE & INTERACTIVE!

🚩 Tickets ONLY $19 US | FREE for Mastrius Members
🎙️ Event recording is available for Mastrius Members only.

Become a member for FREE HERE with the Base Membership Free Trial.

Event Details

Date: September 18, 2024

Start time: 12:00 MDT

End time: 14:00 MDT

Venue: Online

Email: [email protected]

Meet Isabelle Gaborit

Encaustic | Mixed Media

My mentorship group focuses on elevating encaustic artists’ artistic voices and professional presence. Drawing from my two decades of experience as a professional artist and workshop instructor, I understand the challenges you face. My Artist Mentorship Sessions are designed to provide personalized feedback, career development, and skill development tailored to your unique journey. You can expect targeted, in-depth responses to their work, guidance on studio setup, supplies, and tools, and support in overcoming creative roadblocks.

In our sessions, you will receive comprehensive guidance on composition, design, and technical issues, along with insights into the accountability aspects of running an art business. This includes time management, identifying strengths, and recognizing potential pitfalls. My approach includes tailored assignments and feedback to help you develop a coherent body of work, achieve technical excellence, and set and achieve goals for a profitable creative practice. Additionally, I offer marketing support, career strategies, and resources for exhibitions, live or online, to help you expand your professional presence.

By participating in this mentorship group, you will be supported in creating authentic, personal work, and will benefit from a collaborative process where you actively contribute to your growth and development. My goal is to help you deepen your artistic practice, gain valuable critiques, and provide the tools and resources needed to achieve your creative and professional goals.

Click Here to learn more about Isabelle

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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