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JULY 18 – Live Panel Perspective and Focal Points with Mastrius Master Artists

Live Panel: How to Improve Perspective and Use Focal Points

Thursday, July 18th

5–6pm MDT
7–8pm EDT
12am–1am BST (Friday)
9am–10am AEST (Friday)

Mentors: Jeff Errico & John Anderson


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Free For Mastrius Members.

How to Improve Perspective and Use Focal Points to Create Depth, Balance, & Narrative in Your Art

Do you want to know how to lead the viewer's eye through your work to help tell a story? Do you want your artwork to look deeper, more spacious, and balanced? 

Join us for an informative and interactive panel discussion to get helpful guidance on using perspective to your advantage and how to improve composition, layout, and focal points to improve and strengthen your work.

Mastrius Master Artists Jeff Errico & John Anderson will share easy tips to master perspective and improve composition to make your work have a bigger impact!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to use lines to create the illusion of depth
  • Tips for making the focal points in your work stand out
  • Ways to arrange elements for a balanced composition
  • How to guide the viewer's eye through your art to strengthen its narrative.

Bring your questions and join us for an insightful session to improve your artwork and your ability to tell a story and make an impact through your art.

As always, Mastrius events are LIVE & INTERACTIVE!

🚩 Tickets ONLY $7 US | FREE for Mastrius Members
🎙️ Event recording is available for Mastrius Members only.

Become a member for FREE HERE with the Base Membership Free Trial.

Event Details

Date: July 18, 2024

Start time: 05:00 p.m. MDT

End time: 06:00 p.m. MDT

Venue: Online

Email: [email protected]

Meet Jeff Errico

Digital | Drawing | Oil

I am a union live action Storyboard artist for live action film, not animation.

My classes & or workshops will focus on technique building skills and the language of film.

In my mentorship group you will learn what makes a strong dynamic storyboard frame, the different types of storyboarding that exists, what to expect when working on feature film productions, vs, commercial productions, portfolio preparation, along with the business aspects that come with live action storyboarding, such as working with agents & rates.

My mentorship group will have monthly assignments, students will get critiqued on their assignments along with live feedback, followed by a demo.

Click Here to learn more about Jeff

Meet John Anderson

Oil | Graphite | Acrylic

Painting is his passion. If you ask John, he’ll say he has painted forever. Inspired by Andrew Wyeth as a young boy, later Tom Thomson and others from the Group of Seven, John continues to explore the dynamics of colour, light and design borrowing from contemporary masters with an impressionist flair.  His works range from miniature to massive. Painting en plein air, on location and ala prima, all in one session is his main focus. Passing that joy on to others has led him to teaching summer courses for Fleming College, Southampton Art School and a number of other arts organizations around the province. Art travel tours to Provence in the south of France and Tuscany are all part of his art practice.  

Click Here to learn more about John

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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