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Principles of abstraction

with Larry Moore, Master Artist & Mentor

Focused on the principles of DESIGN and ABSTRACTION, Larry will show you a system for developing your voice as an artist..

Audience: Fine Art Painters
Medium: Any
Stage: Emerging, Accomplished, Professional

Not sure if what stage you are? Click here.

Sunday, August 11, 2024
Aug 11 | Aug 18 | Aug 25 | Sept 1 | Sept 15 (no session Sept 8)
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm MDT


Note: Price in $USD

Out of stock

Recordings available for 1-month after course ends.

High School, University, and College students get 20% OFF.
See FAQs at the bottom of page.

Course Description

This class, taught by artist and author Larry Moore, will push you into new growth territory. With a focus on the principles of DESIGN and ABSTRACTION, Larry will show you a system for developing your voice as an artist. The emphasis is on the creative process, exploring new ways to develop a painting, create inventive compositions, and build an authentic voice in your work.

The author of Fishing for Elephants: Insights and Exercises to Inspire Authentic Creativity, Larry’s goal is to help you find a way to approach abstract art that works for you, whether you wish to interpret more, push your process, or go fully abstract. He’s worked extensively in almost every medium, so all are welcome.

While this is an open medium class, gouache, oil, or acrylic are best suited. The three focus areas are design and composition, creative thinking, and developing an authentic voice. Over the short five-week period, you’ll create many small studies and explorations.

This is a 4 session class with a 5th day final critique.

Apart from receiving PERSONALIZED feedback, you’ll learn:

  • The principles of DESIGN and ABSTRACTION
  • How to develop your unique VOICE as an artist
  • How to create INVENTIVE COMPOSITIONS and authentic artwork
  • Creative thinking
Supply List

Coming Soon

Instructor Bio

Larry Moore’s illustrious career as a visual communicator spans an impressive 50+ years. His journey began in the vibrant world of the surf industry, where he honed his skills as a mural and apparel artist. Over the years, he has seamlessly transitioned into graphic design, advertising, illustration, and fine art, earning national acclaim in each of these realms of visual communication. Since 1990, he has also been sharing his knowledge as a college and workshop instructor. His contributions to the field extend beyond his teaching, with the publication of his successful workbook on creativity for artists, ‘Fishing for Elephants: Insights and Exercises to Inspire Authentic Creativity‘.

His extensive 35-year illustration career informs his narrative series, Intrusion, and has given him a broad knowledge of most mediums. His understanding of design from 45 years in the communication arts provides a solid foundation for abstract painting and creative and critical thinking. As an instructor of 25 years, he knows how to communicate ideas and inspire growth in the student’s work… even in a 5 episode class.

Principles of Abstraction with Larry Moore
Art Course with Larry Moore
Course on Abstraction with Larry Moore
Master Artist Larry Moore
Principles of Abstraction Course
Artwork by Larry Moore


How many registrations are required for a course to start?

A minimum of 8 registrations are required.  If 8 registrations are not received by the time the course is 24 hours from starting, the course will be cancelled and all registrants will receive complete refunds.

What is the maximum number of people in a course?

This varies for each course.  The maximum number of registrations is decided by the instructor.

Can I get a refund?

Up until 72 hours before a course’s first session you can receive a complete refund. You can cancel your registration via the My Account portal, or by contacting [email protected].

After this time no refunds will be given (if you have extenuating circumstances you believe justify a refund, contact us at [email protected]).

Can I register for a course already in progress?

No. Once a course has started, no new registrations are accepted.

Where will my course be held?

All courses meet online over Zoom. You will need a device equipped with a camera and a microphone to fully participate. 

If you have not used Zoom before, learn about how to use it here.

If you don’t regularly use Zoom, we recommend you join your first session 10-15 minutes early in case your computer needs to install or update Zoom.

How do I join my course?

You will receive a welcome email from [email protected] when you register.  This email includes the Zoom link to join your course session.  You will also receive 24 hour and 2 hour reminder emails before each session, and each of these emails includes the Zoom link.  You can also access the Zoom link to join your course in your MastriusChat group.

Are the sessions recorded?

Yes, every session is recorded and are typically available 24 hours after a session ends.  All session recordings will remain available for the duration of the course, and for one month following the last session.  The recordings are viewable within the MastriusChat platform, and cannot be downloaded.

What if I miss a session?

You’ll be able to watch the session’s recording.  If you have questions the recording doesn’t address, you can ask them in the chat feed of your course’s private MastriusChat group.

What is MastriusChat?

MastriusChat is an online discussion platform.  You and your fellow course registrants will be assigned to a private MastriusChat group where you can connect and support eachother via the chat “feed”. Your group is also where you’ll access the session recordings. Other resources in your MastriusChat group include a link to join your course sessions, and a library your instructor can use to share resources.

What is a Navigator?

A Navigator is an artist who joins your course to ensure both instructor and registrants have an enjoyable experience. They support (as required) with technology, timekeeping, moderating questions, and between-session discussions on MastriusChat. The Navigator has also joined the course as participant, and just like you, they’re wanting to grow their skills and learn the material.

I’m not ready to register because I still have questions. Who do I contact?

We’d be happy to help! 

Reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to support you.


High School, University, and College students get 20% off ANY course (non-member price).

To claim this discount email [email protected] to enroll in the Student Program.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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