Simplification and Massing in Art Composition – Workshop TPV-047
5 Weekly Sessions
FRIDAYS: 11:00am – 1:00pm MST
10:00am – 12:00pm PST
1:00pm – 3:00pm EST
7:00pm – 9:00pm CEST
3:00am – 5:00am AEST (Saturdays)
Starts January 13, 2023
Session Dates:
Jan. 13 | Jan. 20 | Jan. 27 | Feb. 3 | Feb. 10
Note: Price in $USD
Out of stock
Max 10 registrations.
The ability to simplify — to translate nature’s detail and complexity into fewer and more readable shapes and patterns — is the most important skill for the landscape painter.
Painting or drawing a shape is not that difficult, but seeing a shape through layers of color, detail and complexity requires a practiced shift in perception. In this class, working from your own photos and/or those supplied by your instructor, you will do several exercises and paintings, designed to encourage your eye and hand toward the simplified shape interpretation that is the backbone of the landscape painting experience. Essential coursework for plein air painters.
This workshop will cover:
- how the first step of simplification is through a “limited focus”
- how limited values encourage shape differentiation
- shape combining and the hierarchy of shapes — how to discriminate between major driver shapes and minor shapes
- how to lay a foundation with a restricted number of shapes
- how to balance detail and simplicity with the 80/20 rule
Level: Advanced beginner to intermediate
Mastrius Master Mitchell Albala is also the author of the two most popular books on landscape painting in the nation. He brings to this challenging topic the same practical step-by-step methodology that have made his books and workshops so popular.
“It’s easy to paint a thousand points of light with a thousand brushstrokes. It’s much more difficult — but infinitely more eloquent — to paint a thousand points of light with only one hundred strokes.”