Susan Woolgar


Unlock Your Artistic Potential

Mentorship is the fastest way to go from where you are today, to where you want to be!

Learn How Mentorship Works or join this mentors group below.

Mentoring Aspiring Artists
Not sure if you’re an aspiring artist? Visit our How It Works page.

MEDIUM: Watercolor | Acrylic | Mixed Media | Pastel
SPECIALTY: ✔ Technique

My mentorship group will focus on painting to create a more personal, expressive interpretation of the landscape. Plus, discovering new ways of applying materials and an onus on mark-making will be used.

Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe
Artwork by Michaela Hoppe


Listed below are this Mentor’s specialty skills. Join this group if you want to grow in these areas.

Specialty: ✔ Technique





Providing Art Critiques


Technique Demos


Teaching How to Self Critique

“Mastrius is a perfect balance of accountability, community and fun.
It feels like family. Family that makes you a better you.”

~ Elizabeth, Emerging Artist


select your mentorship group

If the group you’re interested in has a waitlist, you have the option to join another group to get started. When your group opens we can transfer you over.


Artwork by Michaela Hoppe

Susan Woolgar has been working as a professional artist and educator for over 40 years. After graduating from the Alberta College of Art and Design (ACAD) in 1977, she began her career in visual communications as a graphic designer.

She quickly discovered a love for teaching, and left the corporate environment of advertising to pursue other opportunities. She dove into the world of fine art, experimenting with an array of mediums including oil, watercolour, acrylic, pastel and various printing methods. All the while, she was teaching for various institutions and communities across Canada. Susan’s love for abstract art emerged during her “Under my Feet” exhibition in 2007. During this time, she began to explore the scale, form and traditional styling of her previous subject matter.

Her unique sense of colour combined with her ability to balance reality and feeling has propelled her work onto an international stage. Through the reach of the online art community, Susan has been teaching her “Abstracting the Landscape” course to students across the globe. She is currently represented by three Canadian galleries.

FREE eBOOK: Secrets You Won't Learn In Art School

✔ Where creative BLOCKS come from, how to identify them, and how to quickly move forward

✔ What not to be a SLAVE to (this feels counter-intuitive to most artists)

✔ Two things to focus on that improve the VALUE range making your art more interesting

Plus 16 other tips from successful Master Artists that you won't learn in art school.

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